Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Mototourism on All Top

I am very happy to announce that since last Sunday, Mototourism has been added to the motorcycles page of All Top.

All Top is a news aggregator which publishes news from a wide variety of sources on a long list of topics: from food to travel, from autos to politics, from fashion to food. Have a look at their main site, and I am sure you will find something you will be interested in…

Recently, All Top launched also a motorcycles page. At the moment it aggregates more than 20 blogs, and I am very happy to say that Mototourism is now one of them!!!

I had to choose the button to put on my website, and I went for a politically incorrect one…down on the right side of the blog. I hope you like it!


Anonymous said...

Good news!!!^^...Now your site becomes famous^^. I myself learn a lot from your blog. The benefit should be shared by many more people^^

Demonio Pellegrino said...

Hi lewis, famous is a big word...I am learning a lot from your blog as well!

redlegsrides said...

Salve Demonio!

Ecco mi qua, charlie6. Thank you for your comments on my blog, I go to pick up the R80 this morning.

My italian is very rusty so I am glad you have an english language blog as well. I spent 18 months in Italy when in the US Army, and learned to speak your language (badly). I still have a friend in Crevalvore that I exchange mail with: Massimo.

Ci Vediamo online....


Redleg's Rides

Demonio Pellegrino said...

Salve Dom,

I was actually reading your blog...and your progression from the honda to the BMW in such a short time...

Where were you located during your 18 months in Italy? There is a very large US base near where I lived, Camp Darby in Tirrenia...

Your blog is actually very nice...and I am adding you to the blog roll here.

See you around!


Demonio Pellegrino said...

Ah, by the way, well down for the R80. Great bike! And the price was fair...